Big thanks to Skeme and Nostalgia King! Here is direct link.
Slowly making their way to being in the topic of conversation of incredible bands recording sounds that have a deep connection to yesteryear but are obviously so much more than a throwback and are hard hitting tunes to push us into tomorrow, Scone Cash Players are in their own lane. With a pair of aces already on the table, this outfit who we covered last years Mango Hill Records release sets things up for another Soul-jazz offering connecting things via Russia’s Spasibo Records. “Old Faithful” b/w “Algiers Connection” is a drum heavy, organ-full, horn gushing double sider that feels like you should be sitting in a speakeasy sipping on your drink of choice while watching the band play. If music can transport you to another place in time, then you know it’s all in, double or nothing.